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One of my passions is The Healdsburg Museum and Historical Society. Its mission is so clear:

We collect, protect, preserve and interpret the artifacts, documents and photographs that trace the rich history of Healdsburg and surrounding area through exhibitions, educational programs and historical research.

In 2016, the City of Healdsburg had an initiative on the ballot that addressed our housing crisis. I became quite passionate about it and volunteered to work on the campaign. I had recently discovered the power of video, and thought what better way to
spread the word. It was a very rational proposal that failed miserably at the polls. With that, my political
career ended.

In mid-2017 I discovered the Healdsburg Museum and Historical Society with its exhibit Destination Healdsburg. After housing, tourism is another hot-button issues on the minds of locals, and I admired that the Museum was addressing the issue head on by showcasing Healdsburg’s history of tourism. People had to know about this exhibit!! Only by understanding our past can we chart a reasonable course for the future, and I volunteered to do some PR work for the Museum.

That was just the beginning. I was invited to join the Board of directors in 2019 and am a staunch advocate of the Museum’s Mission.

(Membership Drive)

(Buy a Brick!)

(History Lives)

(Tales of the City Halls)

(AAUW Homes Tour)

(Destination Healdsburg)

Visit the Museum’s Website